Cyanine7.5 hydrazide|Cy7.5 hydrazide酰肼
A carbonyl-reactive hydrazide derivative of Cyanine7.5 near infrared (NIR) fluorophore. This dye has similar spectral properties with ICG (indocyanine green), but has a higher quantum yield of fluorescence. Hence, this fluorophore is ideal for in vivo imaging.
This is a carbonyl-reactive dye which is particularly useful for the labeling of antibodies after periodate oxidation. It also labels other carbonyl compounds (aldehydes and ketones), for example, many saccharides.
General properties:
green powder
Mass spec M+ increment:
Molecular weight:
Molecular formula:
moderate solubility in water, good in polar organic solvents (DMF, DMSO, alcohols)
Storage conditions:
Storage: 24 months after receival at -20°C in the dark. Transportation: at room temperature for up to 3 weeks. Avoid prolonged exposure to light. Desiccate.
Spectral properties:
Excitation maximum, nm:
ε, L⋅mol−1⋅cm−1:
Emission maximum, nm:
Cyanine7.5 hydrazide|Cy7.5 hydrazide酰肼
酰肼 Dye hydrazides
Pyrene hydrazide
BDP FL hydrazide
Cyanine3 hydrazide
Cyanine5 Boc-hydrazide
Cyanine5 hydrazide
Cyanine5.5 hydrazide
Cyanine7 hydrazide
Cyanine7.5 hydrazide
马来酰亚胺 Dye maleimides
BDP FL maleimide
Cyanine3 maleimide
Cyanine5 maleimide
Cyanine5.5 maleimide
Cyanine7 maleimide
Cyanine7.5 maleimide
Sulfo-Cyanine3 maleimide
Sulfo-Cyanine5 maleimide
羧酸 Carboxylic acids
Pyrenebutyric acid
BDP FL carboxylic acid
Cyanine3 carboxylic acid
Cyanine3.5 carboxylic acid
Cyanine5 carboxylic acid
Cyanine5.5 carboxylic acid
Cyanine7 carboxylic acid
Cyanine7.5 carboxylic acid
Sulfo-Cyanine3 carboxylic acid
Sulfo-Cyanine5 carboxylic acid
Sulfo-Cyanine7 carboxylic acid
非荧光炔烃 Non-fluorescent alkynes
Pentynoic acid STP ester
Biotin alkyne
非荧光叠氮化物 Non-fluorescent azides
Azidobutyric acid NHS ester
Biotin azide
亚磷酰胺 Phosphoramidites
FAM Phosphoramidite, 6-Isomer
Alkyne Amidite, hydroxyprolinol
Alkyne Phosphoramidite, 5'-terminal
DMS(O)MT aminolink C6
Long trebler phosphoramidite
Pyrene phosphoramidite dU
ROX reference dye for qPCR
SYBR Green I Gel Staining Solution, 10000x
SYBR Green I for Real Time PCR, 100x
CPG固相修饰 CPG solid supports
Alkyne CPG modifier 500
TFA-Amino modifier CPG 500
三磷酸酯修饰 Modified triphosphates